Valley Web Services

Call 602-999-4120 to discuss your options.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are unhappy with our service, we refund 100% of all money paid for developer time.
The following conditions apply:
  1. The price paid for the domain is non-refundable. That cost is $35.
  2. You own the domain. If you want to transfer ownership of the domain to another provider, we ask only for a $15 transfer fee to cover our time processing the transfer. This is paid only if you want the domain transferred.
  3. The above two items come to a total of $50 which is not refundable.
  4. Within the first 60 days, 100% of all other money paid is completely refundable. The HTML web page code belongs to VWS.
  5. After 60 days, the a pro-rated amount is refundable.
  6. After 60 days, if you want all of the HTML web page code, it is yours.
  7. Refunds can take up to 60 days to process.
  8. You will be requested to complete a refund request, which will be provided.
  9. All accounts and levels of accounts are eligible for a Satisfaction Guarantee refund.
Refund Process Please contact Cynthia at 602-705-9688 to request a Satisfaction Refund.
Call us at 602-999-4120 for all other Business.

Web Packages
•  Pointer Page
•  Basic Web Page
•  P.T. Webmaster
•  Tech Help Desk

•  Compare Options

•  Main Page
•  Billing Portal

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Web design by Valley Web Services - copyright 2016-2023

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